New Orleans Man Shoots Robber Who Targeted his Mother

New Orleans Robbery Shooting

The idea of a mother stopping at nothing to protect her child is a story you hear about a lot in society as well as nature as a whole, but sometimes the tables are turned and it is the child that is called upon to protect their mother. That’s exactly what happened during an attempted robbery in New Orleans on October 13th of this year.

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Does Louisiana Require Live Range Fire to Get A CCW Permit?

Across the country, the number of concealed carry permit applicants has been on the rise, however from state to state the rules to receive said permit can be quite different. For example. some states require concealed carry applicants to prove their handgun competency by firing the handgun as a prerequisite to applying.

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JUSTIFIED: 71-Year-Old Man Fends off Robber

According to Shreveport police, 36-year-old Michael Kelly, of the 600 block of Springhill Avenue, was taken to University Health for treatment of multiple gunshot wounds early Tuesday afternoon but Kelly will not be heading home after he exits the hospital.

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