Homeowner Shoots Four Armed Intruders, Kills Two
St. Tammany, LA — A group of four alleged armed intruders were shot by a homeowner in the community of St Tammany, LA. The armed home invaders entered the home at about 10 in the morning, and all four ended up being shot by the homeowner in what must have been an intense exchange of gunfire.
The homeowner was not injured during the shooting.
Two of the men passed away from their injuries shortly after the incident, one of them was in critical condition as of a few days ago. The last intruder is reportedly in stable condition.
No recent updates on the condition of the surviving intruders has been found but they will both be charged with murder, armed robbery, and home invasion according to the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office, when they are discharged from the hospital.
At this time the homeowner is not facing any charges, and it has been determined that he was acting in self-defense.
A four year old girl was also struck by a stray bullet, but is expected to make a full recovery. It is unclear which side the bullet came from, or where the child was during the time of the incident.
Sheriff deputies are reportedly still investigating the incident.
As usual, we don’t know all the details of the story and we can only analyze so much as we must form many of our own conclusions.
One report I read indicated that the homeowner was pistol whipped before he opened fire, others didn’t mention anything about that so I cannot comment as to its truthfulness. But if that was the case it might indicate that the homeowner wasn’t in fact armed and that maybe he somehow wrestled the gun he used from one of the alleged intruders.
Something we always recommend you do is carry a gun even in your own home. The main reason why is because you just never know if you’re going to be targeted, even at 10 in the morning as had happened here. In fact, I just wrote about this very topic and urge you to read it.
The other important part I’d like to make note of is that special care should be given to children in this sort of incident. I’m making no guestimation as to what happened here, who shot the four year old, or even where she was.
All I want to say is that it’s best if you can have your kid know what is going to happen beforehand. So, if a bad guy breaks into your home, your kid should know where he or she should go depending on where they are in the house.
And of course, knowing the safety rules is imperative, as well. Knowing your target and what is beyond and around it plays an important part. Again, I don’t know who fired the shot that hit the little girl, just that if you have kids you need to be aware of these things so you don’t accidentally shoot your kid if you ever need to defend your house.
At the end of the day, this story ended well, and that’s all that matters to this parent.
P.S. We have an excellent home defense course that you might want to check out if this sort of thing interests you at all.
“You even carry your gun when you’re at home???”
“Well yeah, that’s where the people I most want to defend are!”
This was very interesting. I took a concealed class and learned so much. I do need more training. Tim did a wonderful job. Then I shot my first gun ever at the range. I did pretty good for a first time. Even hit the X. Things like this worry me being a senior. I let my dogs on the porch and think they will let me know if I will be ok. I pray I never have to shot someone but things like this help teach and or refresh our minds. Thank you.
Angela k.
I notice you said you were a first time gun owner an my wife is also a senior an i was wanting to get her a pistol…i was wondering what you shoot an how the recoil is for a senior woman.
Thank you ..Terry