Woman Shot by Ex-boyfriend’s Wife

  Marrero, Louisiana – A woman with gunshot wounds arrived at a local hospital in New Orleans on the 27th of February, told officers she’d been shot while being robbed at gun point. As detectives began to unravel the details of 34-year-old Robin Ventris’ story, it quickly fell to pieces as they uncovered the truth.…

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Domestic Violence Leaves One Dead, Deputy Injured

Watson, Louisiana – District Attorney Scott Perrilloux declined to press charges against a Livingston Parish sheriff’s deputy who killed his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend. “There will be no criminal charges brought against a Livingston Parish Sheriff’s Office employee who shot and killed an individual who came to his home while off-duty and threatened him,” said the DA.…

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CCW Reciprocity Change for Louisiana and New Mexico

Until recently, New Mexico and Louisiana honored each other’s concealed carry permits. That has now changed. Now, residents of New Mexico will no longer be allowed to carry concealed in the state of Louisiana, and vice versa. As of yesterday, the LA state government sites shows the updated lists of what state permits are honored…

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Louisiana Woman Arrested for Shooting Llama

A Louisiana woman was arrested for shooting a llama in self-defense in February. 67-year-old Madeline Bourgeois told St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s deputies that her pet llama “Earl” had attacked her while she worked in the pasture. She attempted to fend off the animal (which can grow to between 290 and 440 lbs.) with strikes but…

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Victim of Home Invasion Charged W/ Attempted 2nd Degree Murder

At around 3 a.m. Tuesday morning, Alexandria (LA) Officers (APD) were called to the area of Highway One and Tullamore in response to reports of gunfire. According to the reports, two vehicles had been exchanging gunfire while on the highway. When officers arrived, 53-year-old Carmello Casciari told them he’d been robbed at gun point during…

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